Supernova Ia
Name |
Redshift |
Source |
SNSDF0806_31 |
1.8 |
Subaru/SDF |
1.7 |
SNSDF0806_38 |
1.7 |
Subaru/SDF |
SNSDF0702_28 |
1.7 |
Subaru/SDF |
SNSDF0806_32 |
1.7 |
Subaru/SDF |
SNSDF0806_50 |
1.7 |
Subaru/SDF |
SNSDF0503_21 |
1.6 |
Subaru/SDF |
SNSDF0705_29 |
1.6 |
Subaru/SDF |
SNSDF0806_46 |
1.6 |
Subaru/SDF |
1.55 |
SNSDF0806_25 |
1.55 |
Subaru/SDF |
SNSDF0705_57 |
1.55 |
Subaru/SDF |
The 12 highest-redshift Type-Ia supernovae discovered to date. All
of the supernovae in this table have redshifts greater than 1.5.
Supernovae from the Subaru Deep Field are designated SNSDF, followed
by the observation epoch in which they were discovered (0503 - March
2005). The other two supernovae in this table were discovered during
the GOODS high-redshift supernova search, with the Hubble Space
Telescope (HST). Our
program has multiplied by sixfold the number of known Type-Ia
supernovae at lookback times of 10 billion years. |
The rate of Type-Ia supernovae as a function of redshift. The higher
the redshift, the farther we look back in time (shown on the upper
axis). The results from the Subaru Deep Field are shown as red
symbols. The grey symbols are previously published supernova rate
measurements. The curves are predictions of the supernova rate
evolution, based on various proposed forms of the cosmic star
formation history, convolved with a power-law Type-Ia supernova
delay-time distribution. Our
new measurements suggest that the Type-Ia supernova rate "levels
off" at redshifts greater than about 0.7, with a rate about 5 times
higher than in the present-day Universe (redshift zero). As seen in
the figure, this behavior is in excellent agreement with
expectations from Type-Ia supernova progenitor models with power-law
delay functions, such as those expected from merging white dwarf
progenitor models. |
The production of iron in the Universe, as a function of redshift. The vertical
axis is the mean abundance of iron in the Universe, relative to the iron
abundance of the sun. The red curve shows the amount of iron produced by Type-Ia
supernovae based on our rate measurements; the blue curve shows the amount
produced by core-collapse supernovae; and the black curve is the total of the
two. Each Type-Ia supernova produces, on average, 0.7 solar masses of iron. For
the core-collapse component, it is assumed that 1% of the original star's mass
was converted into iron. Our results
permit the most reliable reconstruction to date of cosmic iron enrichment
history. |