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Wise Observatory Astronomical Utilities

Calendar Generator

Generates Monthly calendar for every desired place and time. Includes: Moon phase, Julian day, sidereal time, Sun Rise/Set, Moon Rise/Set and Moon equatorial position.

Signal to Noise Calculator

Given the instrument zeropoint, extinction coefficient, gain, read out noise, bias level, sky brightness, etc. estimate the exposure time needed to image a point like source with a given magnitude and a given S/N.

Julian Day Calculator

Convert a given date to Julian day and day of week.

Azimuth/Altitude calculator

Given the observer position, convert R.A, Declination and sidereal time to azimuth and altitude.

Refraction calculator

Estimate the atmospheric refraction of an object as function of the object altitude, the air pressure and temperature.

Convert Solar longitude to Julian day

Convert Solar longitude in equinox J2000.0 to Julian day and date.

Gegenschein position

Calculate the Gegenschein equatorial position (valid from 1950 to 2050).

Monthly skymaps for Israel

Generate monthly maps of the sky visible from Israel. Includes stars to magnitude 4.5, with their spectral type coded in color (without planets).

Moonphases 1950-2060

List of primary Moonphases from 1950 to 2060.

Constructed: April 1998, by: Eran Ofek , E-Mail: eran@wise.tau.ac.il