Rennan Barkana: Reionization

A Technical Review of Reionization is available here.

A Non-Technical Introduction to Reionization and Recent Observations of Quasars


Since the universe is expanding, early on it was dense and hot. Initially, there were no atoms, but only particles moving around freely. When the universe cooled below a few thousand degrees (Kelvin), hydrogen atoms formed for the first time, from free electrons and protons (an atom of hydrogen consists of one electron and one proton). Now, free electrons scatter light much more effectively than neutral hydrogen atoms, and at all wavelengths. So, when the electrons were free, light scattered around all the time, but after atoms formed, the light stopped scattering and just kept going in a straight line, until we see it today as the cosmic microwave background (Read more here about this background and about gravity; Read more here about hydrogen atoms and scattering).

After atoms formed, the universe entered the 'Dark Ages', when all was dark except for the fading glow of light, shifting constantly toward lower and lower energies. The hydrogen atoms formed when the universe was about 400,000 years old. After that, gravity slowly made dense regions in the universe even denser, until the first galaxies formed, and within them the first sources of light (Read more here about gravity and about the cosmic microwave background). These sources were stars (like our sun) and/or quasars. Quasars are very bright objects seen in the centers of galaxies, and they are thought to almost certainly be massive black holes, with masses between a few million and a few billion times the mass of the sun.

Based on theoretical models, the first galaxies are thought to have formed when the universe was 100-200 million years old. These sources emitted radiation that began to ionize some of the gas in the universe, which had previously been neutral (To ionize a hydrogen atom is to break it apart into an electron and a proton. Read more here about the hydrogen atom and its spectrum). This process is called reionization, where the "re" comes from this entire story: First of all the gas was hot and ionized, then it became cool and neutral, and finally it again became heated and ionized, this time by radiation from stars and quasars. This process was gradual, as more and more galaxies formed, and "complete reionization" refers to the time when all the low-density gas in the universe had been ionized, and only a small fraction of the gas which was in and near galaxies, and very dense, still remained neutral.

Recent Observations

For some time, we have known that reionization did actually happen; Observations of the cosmic microwave background, in combination with observations of sources of light in the post-reionization universe, together imply directly that reionization must have happened sometime between 100 and 900 million years after the Big Bang. However, observations are only now approaching the threshold of directly probing conditions during the reionization era. A couple recent observations attracted a fair bit of media attention; however, many of the press reports were a bit confused, and in general too optimistic about the importance of these observations. (Two of the better media stories can be found here and here . The technical papers on these observations can be found here and here .) The observers looked at absorption in the spectrum of very distant quasars (The spectrum is the separation of light into its components in different colors). As the light from the quasars travels to us, its spectrum contains the signature of absorption, at a particular color/wavelength (the Lyman alpha wavelength; Read more here about the hydrogen atom and its spectrum), by all the neutral gas which lies between us and the quasar. This works with the help of a nice cosmological magic trick: Each little element of gas absorbs at what locally, to this gas element, is the Lyman alpha wavelength. But we see the effects of different gas elements not all overlapping at the same wavelength, but conveniently distributed over a broad range of wavelengths. The magic here is the same effect that was already mentioned above: the universe is expanding, which causes the wavelength of every photon to grow as it travels toward us.

In all observations of spectra until the recent ones, all Lyman-alpha absorption was seen to correspond to a small object, either some part of a galaxy, or perhaps the dense gas in a filament which contains a number of galaxies. But every large region seen was transparent (i.e., non-absorbing), implying that the low-density gas (which fills most of the volume of the universe) must be very highly ionized. In fact, James Gunn and Bruce Peterson, back in 1965, showed that the neutral fraction in these regions must be less than one part in 100,000 , otherwise we would have seen large regions with strong absorption. Ever since then, large regions of absorption have been called the "Gunn-Peterson effect". This effect was seen for the first time in the two recent observations. However, this does not mean that the universe was observed in the period before complete reionization. This is because the absorption is very sensitive: Even if the region is highly ionized, so that it only has a neutral fraction of one part in 10,000 , it still produces very strong absorption, and cuts out the spectrum from the quasar over the spectral region corresponding to the location of this gas. Therefore, the recent observations are ambiguous, although what they find is new, and it corresponds at least to a remaining after-effect of reionization, when the gas was ionized but still not very highly ionized.

In a recent paper I found that if we were to observe the universe in the time before complete reionization, we should see very, very wide regions of complete "Gunn-Peterson" absorption (The technical paper is here ). Among the two recent observations, those led by George Djorgovski (at a time which corresponds to a cosmic age of a billion years) found only a relatively small region of absorption, situated between regions where flux is transmitted. Since they did not see a very wide region, this must correspond to the universe after complete reionization (contrary to some of the recent press releases). The other observation (at a cosmic age of 900 million years), led by Robert Becker, actually saw a somewhat longer region of absorption. More importantly, although there was flux seen from regions closer to us, we don't know anything about regions that are more distant: The observed region of absorption extended all the way to the quasar itself. We would need to find a more distant light source in order to probe more distant gas. So it is possible that they saw only a small part of a much larger absorbing region, and that this is a first sign of the universe back when low-density gas was still neutral. But we can't be sure until we actually see much larger absorbing regions.

Even if both of the new observations correspond only to the after-effects of reionization, this in itself is very interesting and implies that observations are rapidly approaching the reionization era itself.

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The Cosmic Microwave Background and Gravity

The cosmic microwave background is light in the microwave regime which we see coming from all directions in the sky. This is a remnant from the early universe, when the universe was very hot. This light has been travelling through the universe for around 14 billion years. In the early universe, this light carried relatively high energy, with wavelengths/colors in the visible and ultra-violet regimes (just like light from our own sun). During all its time travelling through the universe, the light "cools" due to a particular effect of the expansion of the universe. The expansion turns the light gradually from optical and ultra-violet to microwave [which corresponds to a much lower energy in each particle of light (photon)].

We measure the frequency of the light coming from different directions in the sky, i.e., in some directions the average frequency (or energy) of the photons is slightly higher than the average energy of photons coming from other directions. In general, a particular average energy corresponds to a temperature of the emitting source (For example, the energy distribution of light from the sun corresponds to a source of about 6000 degrees Kelvin, which is the temperature of the emitting surface of the sun). The microwave background has almost exactly the same temperature in all directions. However, there are very small variations in the temperature, at a level of one part in 100,000. These reflect tiny variations in the density of the gas in different areas, back in the early universe. Over time (and it's a lot of time), gravity has managed to slowly amplify these tiny fluctuations: Any region that started out slightly denser than average began to contract, because the gravitational attraction was stronger than average in that region, and eventually, after billions of years of contraction, all the structure in the present universe was able to form.

Stars come in huge collections called galaxies, each of which contains around 100 billion stars. The phrase "large-scale structure" is used to refer to the arrangement of galaxies on large scales. Galaxies are not distributed uniformly in the universe, they come in patterns which are usually referred to as "sheets and filaments", because that is what they roughly look like. So gravity actually caused the formation both of individual galaxies, and of "large-scale structure", which is the large-scale patterns in the arrangement of galaxies.

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The Hydrogen Atom and its Spectrum

The hydrogen atom consists of an electron and a proton. If an electron, which is negatively charged, and a proton, which is positively charged, come close together, then their electrical attraction pulls them together. The result is a bound system, the hydrogen atom, which is analogous to the solar system (with the proton playing the role of the sun, and electrical forces playing the role of gravity). However, the properties of atoms are different from the properties of the solar system, because quantum mechanics rules the atomic world. When the hydrogen atom forms it is called "neutral", because its total electric charge is zero: the positive proton charge and the negative electron charge cancel out. When the atom is broken up into a separate electron and a separate proton, then the electron and proton are called "free", and the atom is called "ionized". A neutral atom can be ionized by light, if the particles of light (photons) carry sufficient energy. If the electron absorbs a photon which was carrying more than a particular energy, this electron becomes energetic enough to break out of the attraction of the proton, and the atom is then ionized. The critical energy needed to ionize hydrogen is called its ionization potential (and it equals 13.6 in units of electron Volt).

The interaction of a hydrogen atom with light depends very much on whether it is neutral or ionized. If it is ionized, the free electron scatters light very strongly, at all wavelengths (The proton scatters as well, but much less effectively). On the other hand, neutral atoms absorb light very strongly, but only at particular wavelengths. As mentioned above, if the wavelength is short enough (i.e., the energy is high enough), not only will the atom absorb the photon, but the atoms will break apart (i.e., it will be ionized). However, a hydrogen atom also absorbs light at certain other wavelengths, without being ionized. The key one in the reionization story is called Lyman alpha: 1216 Angstroms, in the ultra-violet.

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