Typos (Rennan Barkana)
Corrections in published papers by Rennan Barkana
"The Formation and Gas Content of High Redshift Galaxies and
Minihalos", by Smadar Naoz and Rennan Barkana,
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical
Society, 377, 667 (2007)
- In equation 7, the expressions for α1 and α2 should be switched.
"In the Beginning: The First Sources of Light and the Reionization of the Universe", by Rennan Barkana and Abraham Loeb,
Physics Reports, 349, 125 (2001)
Equation (1), pg. 131: Replace 0.03 with 0.0315.
Equation (4), pg. 134: Replace R symbols with a (the scale factor).
7 and 8 lines from the top, pg. 145: exponents should be 1 and 2,
respectively, not -1 and -2.
4 lines from the bottom, pg. 151: Replace "Haiman (2000)" with
"Haiman, Abel, & Rees (2000)".
2 lines after equation (73), pg. 170: Replace reference to Eq. (95)
with reference to Eq. (24).
To Rennan Barkana's homepage
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To Avi Loeb's