How to prepare backup on CDrom
First, you should have a directory that holds the data, with subdirs etc. like you want to have it on the cdrom. This should be up to 700 MB (the definition is not precise, see following lines).
Then, from outside this directory ("CDDIR") you should make an iso file, namely a single file ready to be put on the CDrom. Do this by:
mkisofs -v -l -r -o ISOFILENAME CDDIR
this will create the isofile ISOFILENAME. This iso file should be in a directory visible by wise-cdr in which the cd-recorder is mounted. The size of this file should be up to 700x1024x1024 bytes = 734 million bytes (to distinguish from MB which is a bit different).
Next, you should put a blank writable CD in the cd-record compartment of wise-cdr and type (working in wise-cdr):
cdrec call cdrecord with some more keywords.
Once the disk is completed it is advisable to verify the exact identity of it to the original CDDIR. You can do it by (after mounting it in your machine):
diff -r --brief CDDIR /mnt/cdrom
where /mnt/cdrom is the cdrom mounted in your system.
Preparing AUDIO CDROMs
You should have audio files *.wav which are 16bit, stereo, 44100 Hz sampling rate or 'raw' PCM files with the same parameters. Otherwise you should convert the files to have these characteristics (e.g. using SOX).
Suppose you have files track01.wav, track02.wav etc. all you have to do is (in wise-cdr): cdrec -audio track*.wav
This will make an audio CDROM with separated tracks.
Note: the cdrec task automatically identifies the suffix 'wav' and accordingly byte-swaps the files. If the files are in raw format - it doesn't byte-swap. In any case, if the resultant audio disk sounds like a white noise, one of the possible reasons is wrong byte-swapping.
MIXED CDROM - you can mix audio with data CDROM
If you have an iso file ready to be written to the cdrom and some audio files (provided the entire pack doesn't surpass 700 MB) you can do for example:
cdrec ISOFILENAME -audio track01.wav song-abc.wav thirdfile.wav tr*.wav
and the resultand CD will have in its first track the data track and starting from the second - the audio tracks.