Public Outreach


I'm involved with public outreach activities and educational programs for youngsters and adults. Most of this work is done for the general public and includes lectures, street observations, open days at the observatory and writing and maintaining educational websites. See some links below (most in Hebrew…):


·          Courses, lectures and presentations in astronomy and astrophysics

·          The Astroclub of Tel-Aviv University (English)

·          The Astroclub poster (English)

·          The Astropedia – Astroclub's virtual enciclopedia


Some other organizations operates in Israel to promote astronomy and science in general and I enjoy working with them as well from time to time:

·          The Unit for Science Oriented Youth at the Tel-Aviv University ­­­­­­(English)

·          Bashaar – Academic Community for Israeli Society (English)

·          Ilan Ramon Center for Physics Oriented Youth at the Ben-Gurion University in Be'er-Sheva

·          The Israeli Astronomical Association (English)

·          The Technoda Observatory at Giv'at-Olga

·          MadaTech – the Israeli Museum of Science at Haifa (English)


·          Bloomfield Science Museum in Jerusalem (English)



Some other web pages for outreaching astronomy, all in English:

·          APOD – Astronomy Picture of the Day

·          International Year of Astronomy 2009


·          The Nine8 Planets