Supernova list

List of SNe discovered during the Wise Observatory Optical Transient Search.

Designation Cluster Cluster Redshift SN Type SN Redshift Discovered R Mag. IAU Circulars More Details Finding Chart
SN1998cg Abell1514 0.199 Ia 0.119 01/05/1998 18.5 6917 6925
SN1998eu Abell 125 0.188 Ia 0.181 14/11/1998 19.7 7055 7082 README chart.gif
SN1998ev Abell 136 0.157 - - 14/11/1998 21.3 7055 README
SN1998fc Abell 403 0.103 Ia 0.10 20/12/1998 20.5 7082 7091 7093 README chart.jpg
SN1998fd Field - Ia 0.24 24/12/1998 21.3 7082 7091 README chart.jpg
SN1999C Abell 914 0.195 Ia 0.125 14/1/1999 19.6 7088 7092 README chart.jpg
SN1999ax Abell1852 0.181 Ia 0.05 20/3/1999 18.5 7130 7357 README chart.gif
SN1999ay Abell1966 0.151 II 0.04 21/3/1999 18.0 7130 7357 README chart.gif
SN1999cg Abell1607 0.136 Ia 0.14 15/4/1999 19.2 7181 7198 README chart.gif
SN1999ch Abell2235 0.151 Ia 0.15 13/5/1999 19.8 7181 7199 README chart.gif
SN1999ci Abell1984 0.124 Ia 0.12 15/5/1999 19.3 7181 7199 README chart.gif
SN1999ct Abell1697 0.183 Ia 0.18 13/6/1999 20.8 7210 7356 README chart.gif
SN1999cu Abell1697 0.183 - - 13/6/1999 21.2 7210 README chart.gif
SN1999cv Abell1936 0.139 *AGN* 0.797 13/6/1999 20.8 7210 7356 README chart.gif
SN1999db Abell2616 0.183 *QSO* 1.9 8/7/1999 18.7 7227 7228 README chart.gif
SN1999dc Abell1966 0.151 II? - 10/7/1999 19.3 7227 README chart.gif
SN1999dd Field - - - 10/7/1999 21.1 7227 README chart.gif
SN1999de Abell 24 0.134 - - 11/7/1999 20.8 7227 README chart.gif
SNcand Abell 509 0.084 - - 3/12/1999 21.2 - README chart.gif

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Constructed: December 1998, by: Avishay Gal-Yam , E-Mail: