SN 2001al

SN 2001al in Abell 2122 (z=0.065)

Discovered: 26/3 Confirmed: 28/3 Not present: 30/8/2000 (see mosaic image)

Coordinates on SITe Abell2122 frame: 456 712
Coordinates on the Tek 28/3 grid: 600.33 537.38

Exact coordinates based on 38 USNO SA2 stars:

SN : R.A: 15:44:51.74 (2000) Dec: 36:07:29.0
Star 1: R.A: 15:44:52.82 (2000) Dec: 36:07:49.6
Star 2: R.A: 15:44:55.90 (2000) Dec: 36:08:18.6
cD gal: R.A: 15:44:59.07 (2000) Dec: 36:06:33.9

Check out this chart for the positions of the SN, stars and galaxy


from star 1: 1.08 sec = 12.9" W and 20.7" S
from star 2: 4.17 sec = 49.8" W and 49.6" S
from the A2122 cD galaxy: 7.96 sec = 95.1" W and 55.1" N

Radial distance from cD and cluster center: ~110" = ~160 Kpc for h=65 .

Magnitude estimate:

Using 900 sec R-band Tek image and scaling from the USNO star at 15:44:48 (2000) 36:04:36 having R = 15.5 R mag:

R ~ 21.15 +/- 0.2 mag (28/3)

Type and redshift:

SN Ia at z ~ 0.065 - 0.07, according to this Keck spectrum

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Constructed: December 1998, by: Avishay Gal-Yam , E-Mail: