The Wise Observatory campaign on SN 2002ap

SN 2002ap in m74 was discovered on January 29, 2002, by Japanese amateurs and confirmed by the Berkeley LOTOSS project. Following its announcement in an IAUC, this SN has become an focus of interest in the community. Expected to reach ~11 mag (with d~10 Mpc), it would have become the brightest SN since 1993J, perhaps even since 1987A. On January 31, we observed this event with the FOSC. Our spectrum showed it to be similar to the well-known "hypernova" 1998bw, that may have been associated with GRB 980425. Our spectrum was one of the first spectra of this object, and the results were published with those of two other groups (all reaching the same conclusion) in another IAUC.

Expecting this event to be one of the most interesting SNe of the year, we began an observational campaign on this object including: 1) UBVRI photometry, with the best sampling possible, and 2) Weekly spectral monitoring with the FOSC, and 3) photometric time series in V an I bands to search for variability on short (minute) time scales. The wise director authorized minor changes in schedule to facilitate this, with most of the observations taking place as part of the normal Q-cam and Q-FOSC programs. T. Mazeh re-allocated the time originally designated for the M33 variability project for the time series observations of SN 2002ap. The campaign has terminated when the object set, at the first week of March.

The scientific goals of this program were to obtain and publish a set of high quality photometric and spectroscopic observations of SN 2002ap, using the relative advantages of the Wise Observatory. These include: frequent sampling (in both photometry and spectroscopy); high quality spectral calibration using an in-the-slit comparison star for inter-calibration and near-simultaneous photometry for flux and spectral shape calibration; and the local expertise in time series analysis. The accumulated data set was analyzed and compared to the two other well-studied hypernovae (SNe 1997ef and 1998bw). Below, we provide access to a digital copy of the data. The prompt release of the data is ment to facilitate its use by groups working on SN simulations and by observers that may use it to plan future observations at all wavelengths.

Observations and on-line data:

UBVRI photometry: 1/2, 2/2, 4/2, 5/2, 8/2, 16/2, 18/2, 20/2, 23/2, 1/3 (no U from here on), 2/3, 3/3, 4/3, 5/3

Spectra: 31/1, 7/2, 14/2, 21/2, 27/2

Time series: 16/2 (4 images), 18/2 (12 images), 19/2 (90 images), 20/2 (105 images), 26/2 (60 images), 28/2 (72 images)

If you have found this data useful, please reference our paper (MNRAS, accepted)

The Wise SN group

The Wise Observatory Home Page

Constructed: February 2002, by: Avishay Gal-Yam , E-Mail: