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Barkana 1,R. "A model for infall around virialized haloes", MNRAS, 347: 59, 2004.
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Kaspi 1,2,S. Netzer1,2,H., Chelouche1,2,D., George, Ian M., Nandra, Kirpal, Turner, T.J. "The Properties and Evolution of the Highly Ionized Gas in MR 2251-178", ApJ. 611: 68, 2004.
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Maoz1,2,D. and Gal-Yam1,2,A. "The type 1a supernova rate in z<= 1 galaxy clusters: implications for progenitors and the source of cluster iron", MNRAS, 347: 951, 2004.
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Pustilnik, S., Kniazev, A., Pramskij, A., Izatov, Y., Foltz, C., Brosch1,2,N., Martin, J-M. and Ugryumov, A. "HS 0837+4717 abundances (Pustilnik+, 2004) VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/A+A/419/469. Originally published in A&A. 419: 469, 2004.
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"S-Z Anisotropy and Cluster Counts: Consistent Selection of and the Temperatrue-Mass Relation", New Astronomy,9:373,2004.
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Turner, J. L.
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Garrington, S., Turner, J. and van Dyck, S. "MERLIN nad VLA Observations of VII Zw 19", accepted for publication in AJ, 2003.
Eichler D., & Levinson1,A.
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"Relativistic Electrons and Magnetic Fields in Clusters of Galaxies", Proceedings of the 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, in press.
Stark, R.,
and 7 co-authors, "Probing the Early Stages of Low-Mass Star Formation", accepted for publication by A&A, 2003.
Kaspi 1,2,S., Netzer1,2,H.,
Shemmer1,2,O.,Brandt, W.N. and Schneider, D.P. "Reverberation Mapping of High-Redshift, High-Luminosity Quasars", Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies, from the Carnegie Observatories Centennial Symposia, Carnegie Observatories Astrophysics Series.
Mugrauer, M., Neuhauser, R.,
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"Relativistic Electrons and Magnetic Fields in Clusters of Galaxies", Proceedings of the 10th Marcel Grossmann Meeting.
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Edited by L.C. Ho, 2004 Pasadena: Carnegie Observatories.