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Barkana 1,R. and Loeb, A. "Effective Screening Due to Minihalos during the Epoch of Reionization", ApJ. 578: 1, 2002.
Battistelli, E.S., De Petris, M., Lamagna, L., Melchiorri, F., Palladino, E., Savini, G., Cooray, A., Melchiorri, A., Rephaeli1,Y. and Shimon 1,M. "Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature at Galaxy Clusters", ApJ. 580: L101, 2002.
Beck1,2,S.C., Turner, J., Langland-Shula, L., Meier, D. and Crosthwaite, L. "Radio-Infrared Supernebulae in II Zw 40", AJ. 124:2516, 2002.
Behar, E. and Netzer1,2,H. "Inner-Shell 1s-2p Soft X-Ray Absorption Lines", ApJ. 570: 165, 2002.
Boldt, E., Levinson1,A. and Loewenstein, M. "Black-Hole Galactic Nuclei: A High Energy Perspective''Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol. 19, 1317, 2002.
Colley, W. N. et al including Maoz1,2,D. "Around the Clock Observations of the Q0957+561A,B Gravitationally Lensed Quasar", ApJ. 565: 105, 2002.
, Viegas, S. M. and Prieto, M. A. "The signature of high velocity gas in the spectra of NGC 4151", A&A, 386: 399, 2002.
, Radovich, M., Rafanelli, P. and Richter, G. M. "The interpretation of the emission spectra of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7130" ApJ. 572: 124, 2002.
Crenshaw, D. M. et al including Netzer1,2,H. and
Shemmer 1,2,O.
"Reddening, Emission-Line , and Intrinsic Absorption Properties in the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy Arakelian 564", ApJ. 566: 187, 2002.
Croom, S. M., Rhook, K., Corbett, E. A., Boyle, B. J.,
Netzer1,2,H., Loaring, N. S., Miller, L., Outram, P. J., Shanks, T. and Smith, R. J. "The correlation of line strength with luminosity and redshift from composite quasi-stellar object spectra", MNRAS, 337: 275, 2002.
De Petris, M., d'Alba. L., Lamagna, L., Melchiorri, F., Orlando, A., Palladino, E., Rephaeli1,Y. and Colafrancesco, S. "MITO Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect in the Coma Cluster of Galaxies", ApJ, 574: L119, 2002.
Distefano, C., Guetta, D., Waxman, E. and
"Neutrino Flux Predictions for Known Galactic Microquasars", ApJ. 575: 378, 2002.
Formiggini1,2,L., Brosch1,2,N. and Almoznino1,2,E., Bowyer, S. and Lampton, M. "Hidden Subluminous Stars among the FAUST UV sources toward OPHIUCHUS", MNRAS, 332: 441. 2002.
Gal-Yam1,2,A., Maoz1,2,D. and
Sharon 1,2,K.
"Supernovae in deep Hubble Space Telescope galaxy cluster fields: cluster rates and field counts", MNRAS, 332: 37, 2002.
Gal-Yam1,2,A., Ofek1,2E., Filippenko, A. V., Chornock, R. and Li, W. "SDSS J124602.54+011318.8: A Highly Variable AGN, Not an Orphan GRB Afterglow", PASP, 114: 796, 2002.
Gal-Yam1,2,A., Ofek1,2E., and Shemmer 1,2,O. "Supernova 2002ap - The First Month", MNRAS, 332: L73, 2002.
Gal-Yam1,2,A. and Shemmer
1,2,O. "Supernova 2002ao in UGC 9299", IAUC, 7810, 2002.
Gal-Yam1,2,A. and Shemmer
1,2,O. "Supernova 2002ap in UGC M74", IAUC, 7811, 2002.
Gal-Yam1,2,A. and Shemmer
1,2,O. "Supernova 2002an in NGC 2575". IAUC, 7818, 2002.
Gal-Yam1,2,A. and Shemmer
1,2,O. "Supernova 2002ao in NGC 2575", IAUC, 7819, 2002.
Gal-Yam1,2,A., Ofek1,2E. and Shemmer
1,2,O. "SN 2002ap - peak brightness date", GCN 1312, 2002.
Gal-Yam1,2,A., Ofek1,2E. and Lipkin1,2,Y. "GRB 020405: OT observations", GCN 1335, 2002.
Ofek1,2E., Filippenko, A. V., Chornock. R. & Li, W.
"SDSS J124602.54+011318.8: A Highly Variable AGN, Not an Orphan GRB
Afterglow", 2002, PASP, 114, 587
"XRF 020903: Archival Optical Images", GCN 1556, 2002
George, I. M. et al including Netzer1,2,H. and
"The Detection of Circumnuclear X-Ray Emission from the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3516", ApJ. 571: 265, 2002.
Giveon1,2,U., Sternberg1,A. Lutz, D., Feuchtgruber, H. and Pauldrach, P. "The Excitation and Metallicity of Galactic H II Regions from Infrared Space Observatory SWS Observations of Mid-Infrared Fine-Structure Lines", ApJ. 566: 880, 2002.
Sternberg1,A., Lutz, D., Feuchtgruber, H. and Pauldrach, P. "The Excitation and Metallicity of Galactic H II Regions from Infrared Space Observatory SWS Observations of Mid-Infrared Fine-Structure Lines", ApJ. 566: 880, 2002.
(Erratum: ApJ. 575: 585, 2002)
Goldberg, D., Mazeh1,2,T., Latham, D.W., Stefanik, R. P., Carney, B. W., and Laird, J. B. "A Survey of Proper-Motion Stars. XV. Orbital Solutions for 34 Double-lined Spectroscopic Binaries", AJ, 124: 1132, 2002.
Gruber, D. and Rephaeli1,Y. "Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer Spectrum of A2319", ApJ. 565: 877, 2002.
Herbst, W., et al. including
"Fine Structure in the Circumstellar Environment of a Young, Solar-like Star: The Unique Eclipses of KH 15D", PASP, 114: Issue 801, pp. 1167, 2002.
Hua, Xin-Min., Kozlovsky1,B.Z., Lingenfelter, R. E., Ramaty, R. and Stupp, A. "Angular and Energy Dependent Neutron Emission from Solar flare Magnetic Loops", ApJS, 140: 563, 2002.
Kaspi 1,2,S., Brandt, W. N., George, I. M., Netzer1,2,H., et al. "The Ionized Gas and Nuclear Environment in NGC 3783. I. Time-averaged 900 Kilosecond Chandra Grating Spectroscopy", ApJ. 574: 643, 2002.
"A Box-Fitting Algorithm in the Search for Periodic Transits",
Kozlovsky1,B.Z., Murphy, R. J. and Ramaty, R. "Nuclear Deexcitation Gamma-Ray Lines from Accelerated Particle Interactions", ApJS. 141 vol.2: 523, 2002.
Kraemer, S. B., Crenshaw, D. M., George, I. M.,
Turner, T. J. and Gabel, J.R. "Variable Ultraviolet Absorption in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3516: The Case for Associated Ultraviolet and X-Ray Absorption", ApJ. 577: 98, 2002.
Latham, D. W., Stefanik, R. P., Torres, G., Davis, R. J., Mazeh1,2,T., Carney, B. W., Laird, J. B. and Morse, J. A. "A Survey of Proper-Motion Stars. XVI> Orbital Solutions for 171 Single-lined Spectroscopic Binaries", AJ. 124: 1144, 2002.
Levinson1,A. and Boldt, E. "UHECR production by a compact black hole dynamo: application to Sgr A", Astroparticle Physics, 16, Issue 3: 265, 2002.
Levinson1,A.,Ofek1,2E. , Waxman, E. and Gal-Yam1,2,A.
"Orphan GRB radio afterglows: Candidates and constraints on beaming", ApJ.:576,923.
Lutz, D., Maiolino, R., Moorwood, A. F. M.,
Wagner, S. J., Sturm, E. and Genzel, R. "Infrared spectroscopy around 4mn m of Seyfert 2 galaxies: Obscured broad line regions and coronal lines", A&A. 396: 439, 2002.
Markowitz, A., Edelson, R and Nandra, K. "X-Ray versus Optical Variations in the Seyfert 1 Nucleus NGC 3516: A Puzzling Disconnectedness", AJ. 124: 1988, 2002.
Mazeh1,2,T., Prato, L., Simon, M., Goldberg, E., Dara, N. and
"Infrared Detection of Low-Mass Secondaries in Spectroscopic Binaries", ApJ. 564: 1007, 2002.
Meier, D., Turner, J. and
"Molecular Gas and the Young Starburst in NGC 5253
revisited ", AJ. 124: 877, 2002.
Chelouche1,2,D., George, I. M., Turner, T. J., Crenshaw, D. M., Kramer, S. B. and Nandra, K. "The Density and Location of the X-Ray-absorbing Gas in Gas in NGC 3516", ApJ. 571: 256, 2002.
Newman, W. I. Newman, A. L. and Rephaeli1,Y.
"Quantification of Uncertainty in the Measurement of Magnetic Fields in Clusters of Galaxies",
ApJ. 575:755,2002.
, George, I. M., Turner, T. J., Crenshaw, D. M., Kramer, S. B. and Nandra, K. "The Density and Location of the X-Ray-absorbing Gas in Gas in NGC 3516", ApJ. 571: 256, 2002.
Ofek1,2E., Gal-Yam1,2,A., Kaspi 1,2,S.,
Dann, J. and
"GRB 020409: Optical observations", GCN 1357, 2002.
, Rix, H.-W.,
Maoz1,2,D.,Prada, F.,
" Survey for Large Separation Lensed FIRST Quasars, II. Magnification Bias and Redshift Distribution",MNRAS,337:1163,2002.
Persic, M. and Rephaeli1,Y. "X-Ray spectral components of starburst galaxies", A&A, 382: 843, 2002.
D., Gal-Yam1,2,A., Maoz1,2,D., Filippenko, A. V., Leonard, D. C. and Matheson, T. "Not Color Blind: Using Multiband Photometry to Classify Supernovae", PASP, 114: 833, 2002.
Prato, L., Simon, M., Mazeh1,2,T., McLean, I. S., Norman, D. and
"The Smallest Mass Ratio Young Star Spectroscopic Binaries", ApJ. 569: 863, 2002.
Prato, L., Simon, M.,
and McLean, I. S., "Component Masses of the Young Spectroscopic Binary UZ TAU E", ApJ. 579: 99, 2002.
Pustilnik, S. A., Martin, J-M., Huchtmeier, W., Brosch1,2,N., Lipovetsky, V. A. and Richter, G. M. "Studies of Galaxies in Voids: I. HI observations of blue compact galaxies", A&A, 389: 405, 2002.
Rephaeli1,Y. and Gruber, D. "RXTE Spectra of the Starburst Galaxies M82 and NGC253", A&A, 389: 752, 2002.
Rephaeli1,Y. "The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect: Recent Work", Space Science Reviews, 100: Issue 1/4: 61, 2002.
and Gruber, D. "Results from a Second Rossi-X-Ray Timing Explorer Observation of the Coma Cluster", ApJ. 579: 587, 2002.
Shemmer 1,2,O. and Netzer1,2,H. "Is there a Metallicity-Luminosity Relationship in Active Galactic Nuclei? The Case of Narrow-Line Seyfert1 Galaxies", ApJ. Lett. 567: L19, 2002. (Erratum: ApJ. 569: L59, 2002.)
Shimon ,M.and
"CMB Comptonization by Energetic Nonthermal Electrons in Clusters of Galaxies". ApJ. 575,12-17.
Sturm, E., Lutz, D., Verma, A.,
Moorwood, A. F. M., Oliva, E., and Genzel R. "Mid-Infrared line diagnostics of active galaxies. A spectroscipic AGN survey with ISO-SWS", A&A. 393: 821, 2002.
Turner, T. J., Mushotzky, R. F., Yaqoob, T., George, I. M., Snowden, S. L., Netzer1,2,H., Kraemer, S. B., Nandra, K. and
"Narrow Components within the Fe K
Uemura, M. et al including Lipkin1,2,Y. and Leibowitz1,2,E. M. "Optical Observations of XTE J1118 + 480 during the 2000 Outburst", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 54: 285, 2002.
Van Putten, M.H.P.M. and
."Detecting Energy Emissions from a Rotating Black Hole", Science, 295: 1874, 2002.
Van Putten, M. and Levinson1,A. "Gamma-ray burst calorimetry on echos in gravitational waves'', Classical and Quantum Gravity, vol.19, 1309, 2002.
Vauclair, G. et al including Mazeh1,2,T., Leibowitz1,2,E. and Hemar, S. "Asteroseismology of RXJ 2117+3412, the hottest pulsating PG 1159 star", A&A, 381: 122, 2002.
Zucker1,2,S. and Mazeh1,2,T. "On the Mass-Period Correlation of the Extrasolar Planets", ApJ. 568: L113, 2002.
Zucker1,2,S. et al including Mazeh1,2,T. and Drukier, G. "A Planet Candidate in the Stellar Triple System HD 178911", ApJ. 568: 363, 2002.
Barstow, M. A., Ribak, E. N., Brosch1,2,N., Cheng, F-Z., Dennefeld, M., Gomez de Castro, A. I., van der Hucht, K. A., Kappelmann, N., Moisheevh, A., Pagano, I., Sahade, J., Shustov, B., Wamstecker, W. and Werner, K. "The WSO, a world-class observatory for the ultraviolet", presented at the SPIE meeting, August 2002.
"Massive Obscured Clusters in Starbursts", Hot Star Workshop III: The Earliest Stages of massive Star Birth, ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 267. Edited by Paul A. Crowther. p.323, 2002.
Helled, R., Polishook, D., Schijvarg, S, and Manulis, I.
"Light Curves of Geminids in 2001", Proceedings of Asteroids, Comets,
Meteors (ACM), 29 July-2 August 2002, Technical University Berlin, Berlin,
Germany (ESA-SP-500, November 2002)
and Manulis, I. "Panoramic observation of the 2001 Leonids",
Proceedings of Asteroids, Comets, Meteors (ACM), 29 July-2 August 2002,
Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany (ESA-SP-500, November 2002)
Corbett, E., Netzer1,2,H., Croom, S., Boyle, B., Rhook, K., Loaring, N., Miller, L., Outram, P., Shanks, T. and Smith, R. J. "The relationship between line width and luminosity in composite QSO spectra". Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy Abstract Book. Meeting held in Meudon, France, July 23-27, 2002. Eds. S. Collin, F. Combes and I. Shlosman. ASP Conference Series, p.61.
"Hidden sd/wd/stars among the FAUST UV sources
toward OPHIUCHUS", presented at the NATO ARW XIII Workshop on
White Dwarfs- June 2002- in press
Hamilton, C. M. et al including Mazeh1,2,T. "Detection of Significant Structure in the Circumstellar Disk of a Pre-Main Sequence Star", AAS Meeting 200, #11.07. 2002.
Hermanz, M., Gonzalez Riestra, R., Wamsteker, W., et al including Brosch1,2,N. "WSO/UV: World Space Obseratory/Ultraviolet", presented at WSOUV
Kaspi 1,2,S.
"Reverberation mapping of high-redshift high-luminosity quasars", presented at Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy meeting held in Meudon, France, July 23-27, 2002. Eds: S. Collin, F. Combes and I. Shlosman. ASP Conference Series p.77, 2002.
Lamagna,L., De Petris,M., D'Alba,L., Orlando,A., Savini,G., Melchiorri,F.,
Colafrancesco, S., Signore,M., Kreysa,E., & Castagnoli,C.,
"MITO measurements of the S-Z Effect in the Coma Cluster",
2002, proceedings of the 9th Marcel Grossmann meeting (World Scientific,
Singapore), eds. G. Gurzadyan, R.T. Jantzen, & R. Ruffini p. 2197-2198
Lipkin1,2,Y., Leibowitz1,2,E. M. and Retter, A. "On the masses of the secondary stars in CVs", The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, ASP Conference Proceedings, Volume 261, edited by B.T. Genisicke., K. Beuermann and K. Reinsch. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, page 643, 2002.
Murphy, R. J., Share, G. H., Kozlovsky1,B.Z. and Hua, X.-M. "Energetic particle Spectral Variation Derived from Neutron and Gamma-Ray Observations of Solar Flares", American Astronomical Meeting 200, #28.06, 2002.
Netzer1,2,H. "BLR, NLR, Warm Absorber". Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy Abstract Book. Meeting held in Meudon, France, July 23-27, 2002. Eds. S. Collin, F. Combes and I. Shlosman. ASP Conference Series, p.20.
Patterson, J., with 15 other authors, Lipkin1,2,Y. and Retter, A. included, "Superhumps in Cataclysmic Binaries. XXI. HP Librae", PASP, 114: 65, 2002.
Prato, L., Simon, M., Mclean, I. S. and
"Absolute Component masses in the Young Binary UZ Tau E", American Astronomical Society Meeting 200, #71.12, 2002.
"The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect: Recent Work", Space Science Reviews, 100: 61, invited review, proceedings of the International Space Science Institute Workshop "Matter in the Universe", 2002.
"The S-Z Effect: Current Status & Future Prospects"
2002, invited review; proceedings of the 9th Marcel Grossmann meeting
(World Scientific, Singapore), eds. G. Gurzadyan, R.T. Jantzen, & R.
Ruffini p. 677-686.
"The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect: Recent Progress and Future
Prospects",2002, AIP Conference Proceedings (Melville,
NY), eds. M. De Petris, & M. Garvsi, 616, 309-315, invited review,
2K1BC Workshop
"Cosmology with the S-Z Effect", invited review, NATO/ASI Chalonge School, Palermo, 8-18 September, 2002.
Shemmer 1,2,O. and Netzer1,2,H.. "Is there a Metallicity-Luminosity Relationship in AGN? The Case of NLS1s". Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy Abstract Book. Meeting held in Meudon, France, July 23-27, 2002. Eds. S. Collin, F. Combes and I. Shlosman. ASP Conference Series, p.32.
Turner, J.L., Crosthwaite, L. P., Meier, D. S., Kovacs, A., Benford, D.
J. and
"Dust and Gas Clouds and the Starburst in NGC 5253", AAS
meeting 210, paper 116.16 2002.
Profile of NGC 3516: Evidence of the Importance of General Relativistic Effects?" ApJ. 574: L123, 2002.
Implementation Committee Meeting, Moscow, May 20-23, 2002. To be published in "Classical Novae".