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Alcock, C., et al including Gal-Yam1,2, A., Heller 1,2, A., Kaspi 1,2, S., Kovo1,2, O., Leibowitz1,2, E. M., Lipkin1,2, Y., Maoz1,2, D., Mendelson1,2, H. and Shemmer 1,2, O. "Binary Microlensing Events from the MACHO Project", ApJ, 541: 270, 2000.
Alexander 1,2, T., Lutz, D., Sturm, E., Genzel, R., Sternberg1,A. and Netzer1,2,H. . "Infrared Spectroscopy of NGC 1068: Probing the Obscured Ionizing AGN Continuum", ApJ, 536: 710, 2000.
Almoznino1,2, E., Topaz, J. "Ground-based Leonid imaging in the UV", Earth, Moon and Planets 82/83, 391-398, (2000).
Beck1,2, Turner,J. and Ho,P."The Radio Spernebula in NGC 5253", ApJ.Lett.532: 109,2000.
Beck1,2, S.C. "Dwarf Galaxies and Starbursts". Scientific American, 282, #6: 66, June 2000.
Beck1,2, S.C., Turner, J. L., and Kovo1,2 ,O. "High Resolution Radio Maps of WR Galaxies: Optically Thick HII Regions?" AJ,120:244,2000.
Beck1,2, S.C., Turner, J., and Gorjian, V. "Infrared and Radio Emission from Very Young SSC's in Dwarf Starbursts", BAAS 197: 7912, 2000.
Brosch1,2, N., Brook, A., Wisotzki, L., Almoznino1,2, E., Prialnik, D., Bowyer, S. and Lampton, M. "FAUST Observations in the Fourth Galactic Quadrant", MNRAS 313: 641, 2000.
Brosch1,2,N., Almoznino1,2,E. Engels, D., Bowyer, S. and Lampton, M. "FAUST observations near the North Galactic Pole", MNRAS, 316: 58, 2000.
Brosch1,2,N. and Shemmer 1,2,O. "Airglow and meteor rates over Israel during the 1999 Leonid shower", Earth, Moon and Planets ,82-83: 535,2000.
Brosch1,2,N. "The 1999 Leonid campaign in Israel", Earth, Moon and Planets 82-83: 47, 2000.
Brown, P., et al including Brosch1,2,N. "Global Ground-Based Electro-Optical and Radar Observations of the 1999 Leonid Shower: First Results", Proceedings of the MAC 99 Workshop, held at Tel Aviv University, Israel April 2000. "Earth, Moon and Planets" eds. Peter Jenniskens. Kluwer Academic Press.
Chochol, D. et al including Shemmer1,2, O. and Retter1,2, A."V723 Cassiopeiae", IAUC 7351, 27th January 2000.
Colafrancesco, S., et al including Rephaeli1,Y. "An X-ray and optical study of the cluster A33", A&A Suppl. 144: 187, 2000.
Contini, M.1 and Viegas, S. M. "The optical-ultraviolet continuum of Seyfert 2 galaxies", ApJ. 535: 721, 2000.
Contini, T., Contini, M.1and Viegas, S. M. "Evidences for high-velocity superwinds in starburst galaxies from ISO spectroscopy", New Astronomy Reviews, 44: Issue 4-6, p. 269. Elsevier Science B. V. 2000.
Cooke, A. J. Baldwin, J. A., Ferland, G. J., Netzer1,2,H. Wilson, A. S. "The Narrow-Line Region in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3393", ApJ Supp. 129: 517, 2000.
Edelson, R., et al including Maoz1,2,D. "Intensive HST, RXTE and ASCA Monitoring of NGC 3516: Evidence against Thermal Reprocessing", ApJ, 534: 180, 2000.
Eichler, D. and Levinson1, A. "A Compact Fireball Model of Gamma-Ray Bursts", ApJ, 529: 146, 2000.
Eldar, A. and Levinson1, A. "On the viewing angle dependence of blazar variability", MNRAS, 314:, 641, 2000.
Formiggini1,2, L. and Brosch1,2,N. "Guide No. 2: Normal Galaxies", ESA SP-1239 2000. Noordwijk: ESA Publishing Department.
Gal-Yam1,2,A., Maoz1,2,D. and Guhathakurta, P. "Supernova 1999ct and NO Supernova 1999cv", IAUC 7356, 2nd February 2000.
Gal-Yam1,2,A., Maoz1,2,D. "Supernovae 1999ax and 1999ay", IAUC 7357, 6th February 2000.
Gal-Yam1,2,A.,Maoz1,2,D. "Supernova 1999gv in Anonymous Galaxy", IAUC 7405, 19th April 2000.
George, I. M., Turner, T. J., Yaqoob, T.,Netzer1,2, H., Laor, A., Mushotzky, R. F., Nandra, K. and Takahashi, T. "X-Ray Observations of Optically Selected, Radio-Quiet Quasars. I. The ASCA Results ", ApJ, 531: 52, 2000.
Goldman1, I. "Interpretation of the Spatial Power Spectra of Neutral Hydrogen in the Galaxy and in the Small Magellanic Cloud", ApJ, 2000.
Goldman1, I., Mohapatra, R. and Nussinov, S. "1987A - a Testing Ground fo the KARMEN Anomaly", 2000, Physics Letters B. 481: 151, 2000.
Goranskij, V. P., et al including Shemmer 1,2, O. and Retter1,2, A. "Orbital period and Oscillations in V723 Cassiopeiae", IBVS 4852: 1, February 2000.
Hamann, F. W.,Netzer1,2, H. and Shields, J. C. "The Nature of Associated Absorption and the Ultraviolet-X-Ray Connection in 3C 288.1", ApJ, 536: 101, 2000.
Handler, G., et al including Leibowitz1,2, E. M. and Ibbetson 1,2,P. "Delta Scuti Network observations of XX Pyx: detection of 22 pulsation modes and of short-term amplitude and frequency variations", MNRAS, 318: 511, 2000.
Heller 1,2, A., Brosch1,2,N., Almoznino1,2, E.,Liese van Zee, Salzer, J. "Lopsidedness in dwarf irregular galaxies", MNRAS, 316:569, 2000.
Hopp, H., et al including Brosch1,2, N. "The Hamburg/SAO Survey for Emission-Line GalaxiesIII. The third list of 81 galaxies", A&A Suppl. Ser. 142: 417, 2000.
Jha, S., Torres, G., Stefanik, R. P., Latham, D. W. and Mazeh1,2,T. "Studies of multiple stellar systems - III. Modulation of orbital elements in the triple-lined system HD 1109648", MNRAS, 317: 375, 2000.
Kaspi 1,2, S., Smith, P. S., Netzer1,2, H., Maoz1,2,D., , Jannuzi, B. T., and Giveon1,2, U., "Reverberation Measurement for 17 Quasars and the Size-Mass-Luminosity Relations in Active Galactic Nuclei", ApJ, 533: 631, 2000.
Kaspi 1,2, S.,Brandt, W. E., Netzer1,2,H., Sambruna, R., Chartas, G., Garmire, G. P. and Nousek, J. A. "Discovery of Narrow X-ray Absorption Lines from NGC 3783 with the Chandra HETGS", ApJ. 535: L17, 2000.
Kniazev, A., et al including Brosch1,2, N. "HS 0822+3542 - a new nearby extremely metal-poor galaxy", A&A, 357: 101, 2000.
Leibowitz1,2, E.,Ibbetson 1,2,P., and Ofek1,2 "Wise Observatory System of Fast CCD Photometry", Baltic Astronomy, 9: 403, 2000.
Leibowitz1,2, E.,Ofek1,2 E., Danne, J. and Ibbetson 1,2,P. "GRB000604 optical observations", GCN Circ., 2000, No. 690.
Leibowitz1,2, E., Ofek1,2 E., Danne, J. and Ibbetson 1,2,P. "GRB000604 non-detection", GCN Circ., 2000, No. 695.
Levinson 1,A. , Eichler, D., "Hydrodynamic Collimation of GRB Fireballs", Phys. Rev. Lett. 85:236, 2000.
Levinson 1,A. "Particle Acceleration and Curvature TeV Emission by Rotating, Supermassive Black Holes", Phys. Rev. Lett.85: 912, 2000.
Lipkin1,2, Y., and Leibowitz1,2, E.M. "V4633 Sagittarii", IAUC 7372, 1st March 2000.
Lipkin1,2, Y. Leibowitz1,2, E.M. and Retter 1,2, A. "DM Geminorium", IAUC 7433, 30th May 2000.
Lutz, D., Genzel, R., Sturm, E. Taqcconi, L. Wieprecht, E., Alexander1,2, T., Netzer1,2, H., Sternberg1, A., Moorwood, A. F. M., Fosbury, R. A. E., Fricke, K., Wagner, S. J., Quirrenbach, A., Awaki, H. and Lo K.Y. "A Search for Broad Infrared Recombination Lines in NGC 10681", ApJ, 530: 733, 2000.
Lutz, D., Sturm, E., Genzel, R., Moorwood, A. F. M., Alexander1,2, T., Netzer1,2, H., Sternberg1, A."ISO-SWS Spectroscopy of NGC 1068", ApJ, 536: 697, 2000.
Maoz1,2,D., Edelson. R., and Nandra, K. "A Possible 100 Day X-ray-to-Optical Lag in the Variations of the Seyfert 1 Nucleus NGC 33516", AJ, 119: 119, 2000.
Mazeh1,2, T., et al including Drukier1,2, G. A., and Zucker1,2, S. . "The Spectroscopic Orbit of the Planetary Companion Transiting HG 209458", ApJ, 532: L55, 2000.
Netzer1,2,H. "X-ray continuum slope and X-ray spectral features in NLS1 galaxies", New Astronomy Reviews, Volume 44, Issue 7-9, p. 477. Elsevier Science B.V. 2000.
Novak, R., Retter1,2,A. and Lipkin1,2,Y. "VI493 Aquilqe", IAUC 7443, 26th June 2000.
Ofek1,2 E. "Low-Precision Formulae for Calculating Julian Day from Solar Longitude", WGN, JIMO, 28, #5:176 - 178, 2000.
Pogge, W. R., Maoz1,2,D.., Ho, L. C. and Eracleous, M. "The Narrow-Line Regions of Liners as Resolved with the Hubble Space Telescope", ApJ, 532: 323, 2000.
Rakos,K., Schombert, J., Odell, A.,Steindling 1,2,S., "Cluster Populations in A115 and A2283", ApJ. 540: 715, 2000.
Ramaty, R., Scully, S. T., Lingenfelter, R. E., and Kozlovsky1, B. Z., "Light-Element Evolution and Cosmic-Ray Energetics", ApJ, 534: 747, 2000.
Ramaty, R. et al including Kozlovsky1, B. Z., "Li from Solar Flares", ApJ, 534, L207, 2000.
Steindling 1,2,S.,Brosch1,2,N. and Rakos, K. "Stromgren Photometry from z = 0 to z~1, I. The Method", accepted for publication in ApJ. Sup, 2000.
Shemmer 1,2, O. ,Leibowitz1,2, E. and Szkody, P. "Periodic microvariation of B416, a new luminous blue variable in M33", MNRAS, 311: 698, 2000.
Sicardy, B., et al including Brosch 1,2, N. "The Structure of Titan's Stratosphere from the 28 Sgr Occultation", ICARUS, 142:357,2000.
Stoerzer, H., Zielinsky, M., Stutzki, J. and Sternberg1, A."Low-J CO line emission from PDR's: a natural explanation for the narrow range of observed line ratios", A&A, 358: 682, 2000.
Thornley, M. D., et al including Sternberg1,A. "Massive Star Formation and Evolution in Starburst Galaxies: Mid-infrared Spectroscopy with the ISO Short Wavelength Spectrometer", ApJ, 539: 641, 2000.
Turner, J. L. , Beck1,2,S.C., Ho, P. T. P., "The Radio Supernebula in NGC 5253", ApJ, 532: 109,2000.
Turner, J. L., Beck1,2,S.C. , Crosthwaite, L., Meier, D. "Near Infrared Imaging of the Very Young SSC in NGC 5253", BAAS 197: 7916, 2000.
Vuille, F., et al including Leibowitz1,2,E., Hemar, S., Ibbetson 1,2,P., and Mashal,1,2E., "Normal modes and discovery of high-order cross-frequencies in the DBV white dwarf GD 358", MNRAS, 314: 689, 2000.
Zucker1,2, S. and Mazeh1,2, T. "Analysis of the HIPPARCOS Measuarements of HD 10697: A Mass Determination of a Brown Dwarf Secondary", ApJ, 531: L67, 2000.
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Daniels1,2,J., Brosch1,2,N., Almoznino1,2,E. , Bowyer, S and Lampton, M. "FAUST observations of UV sources in the region of PKS 0745-19", MNRAS, 2000, in press.
Sambruna, R.,Netzer1,2,H., Kaspi 1,2,S., Brandt, W. N., Chartas, G., Garmire, G., Feigelson, E. D., Nousek, J., Weaver, K. "Chandra Observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Circinus: Imaging analysis", ApJ Letter, in press, 2001.
Sambruna, R.,Netzer1,2,H., Kaspi 1,2,S., Brandt, W. N., Chartas, G., Garmire, G., Feigelson, E. D., Nousek, J., Weaver, K. "Chandra Observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Circinus: Spectroscopic analysis", ApJ Letter, in press, 2001.
Arentoft, T., et al including Leibowitz1,2, E.,Ibbetson 1,2,P.,"First Results of the 17th DSN Campaign: Photometry of XX PYX" presented at The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating Star Research, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 203; also IAU Colloquium #176,. Edited by L. Szabados and D. Kurtz. 469, 2000.
Brosch1,2,N."Coordinated observations of Leonids in Israel", The Leonid MAC Workshop, April 15, 2000, Eds. Peter Jenniskens, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, p.E8, 2000.
Brosch1,2,N. "Ultraviolet Astronomy: past, present and future", presented at Israel Physical Society Meeting, Technion, Haifa, May 2000.
Brosch1,2,N.and Formiggini1,2, L. "INES - A very public Space Archive", Poster presentation at Israel Physical Society Meeting, Technion, Haifa, May 2000.
Brosch1,2,N. "The 1999 Leonid Observational Campaign in Israel" ,presented at the 9th UN/ESA Workshop on Basic Space Science, 27 - 30 June, 2000, Toulouse, France.
Brosch1,2,N. "WSO/UV: Planetary and Stellar Observations", presented the 9th UN/ESA Workshop on Basic Space Science, 27 - 30 June, 2000, Toulouse, France.
Brosch1,2,N., Hudec, R., Kroll, P. and Tsvetkov, M. "A Strategy to Save Astronomical Treasures", presented at the Wide-Field Astronomy meeting, August 2000, Preston, England.
Colafrancesco, S., et al including Rephaeli1,Y. "The S-Z Cosmological Project: New Results and Future Prospects", in proceedings of the Recontres de Moriond Workshop, 2000.
Contini, M.1 and Formiggini1,2, L. "Modelling symbiotic novae through the evolution of the spectra" in "Thermal and Ionization Aspects of Flows from Hot Stars: Observations and Theory". ASP Conf. Series 204: 345, 2000. eds. H.J.G.L.M. Lamers and S. Sapar,
Contini, T., Contini, M.1 , and Viegas,S. M. "Evidences for high-velocity superwinds in starburst galaxies from ISO spectroscopy", from "The Interplay Between Massive Stars and the ISM", JENAM99, 7-11 Sept. 1999, Toulouse, France, in press.
D'Alba, L. et al, including Rephaeli1,Y. "The Sunyaev-Zeldovich MITO Project", in proceedings of the Cargese Meeting, 2000.
De Petris, M. et al, including Rephaeli1,Y. "Millimeter observations from a high altitude 2.6-m ground based telescope", in proceedings of the Chalcaltaya Meeting, 2000.
De Petris, M. et al, including Rephaeli1,Y. "Multifrequency Observations of the S-Z Effect towards A1656", in proceedings of the IAU Symposium 201, 2000.
Gal-Yam1,2, A.and Maoz1,2,D.. "Supernova Rates in Abell Galaxy Clusters & Implications for Metallicity", Large Scale Structure in the X-ray Universe, Proceedings of the 20-22 September 1999 Workshop, Santorini, Greece, eds. Plionis, M. and Georgantopoulos, I., Atlantisciences, Paris, France, p. 359G, 2000.
Gal-Yam1,2, A. and Maoz1,2,D. "Supernova Rates in Abell Galaxy Clusters & Implications for Metallicity", "Cosmic Explosions, Proceedings of the 10th Annual October Astrophysics Conference in Maryland". Ed. S. Holt and W. W. Zhang.
Gal-Yam1,2, A. and Maoz1,2,D. "Supernova Rates in Abell Galaxy Clusters & Implications for Metallicity", to be published in the proceedings of the Moriond conference "Energy Densities in the Universe" Les Arcs, January 2000.
Goldman1,I. "A Simple Approach to ISM Turbulence", in New Perspectives on the Interstellar Medium, ASP Conference Series 168, eds. A. R. Taylor, T. L. Landecker and G. Joncas. ASP (San Francisco) p. 357.
Hawkes, R. L. et al including Brosch1,2,N."Global Ground Based Observations of the 1999 Leonids", The Leonid MAC Workshop, March 15, 2000, Eds, Peter Jenniskens, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, p.E16, 2000.
Kaspi 1,2, S., Brandt, W. N., Netzer1,2, H., Sambruna, R., Chartas, G., Garmire, G. P., and Nousek, J. A. "The High-Resolution Spectrum of NGC 3783", contributed talk at the 196th AAS meeting, 196, #34.22, 2000.
Kaspi 1,2, S., Collinge, M. J. and Brandt, W. N. "The High-Resolution X-ray Spectra of NGC 3783 and NGC 4051", contributed talk to the AAS, HEAD meeting #32, #04.01.
T. Prato, L., Simon, M and Goldberg, E. "IR Detection
of Cool Secondaries in Spectroscopic Binaries", Birth and Evolution
of Binary Stars, Poster Proceedings of IAU Symposium #200 on The
Formation of Binary Stars, held 10-15 April, 2000, in Potsdam, Germany.
Edited by Bo Reipurth and Hans Zinnecker, p.22, 2000.
Orlando, A. et al, including Rephaeli1,Y.
"Search for the Sunyaev-Zeldovich
Effect in the Coma Cluster with the MITO Experiment", in proceedings
of the Verbier meeting, 2000.
Gruber, D. E. "RXTE Observations of the Nearby Starburst Galaxies M82
and NGC253", Rossi2000: Astrophysics with the Rossi X-ray Timing
Explorer, March 22-24, 2000 at NASA's GSFC, Greenbelt, MD USA, p.E134.
"High Energy X-Ray Emission in Clusters
of Galaxies", invited review, proceedings of "Heidelberg International
Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy", Vol. 1, 2000.
X-Ray Emission in Clusters of Galaxies", in proceedings of the 4th
INTEGRAL workshop, 2000.
Sambruna, R. M. et al including
Kaspi 1,2, S.
"Chandra HETG observations of the Seyfert 2 galaxy Circinus",American Astronomical Society, HEAD meeting #32, 0402. AAS Publication, 2000.
Schnopper, H. W. et al, including Brosch1,2,N.,Leibowitz1,2,
H."XRASE: The X-Ray Spectroscopic Explorer", to appear in Proceedings
of the Workshop on Science with MINISAT 01, April 26-28, 1999, Madrid Spain.
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Preprint Series #4884, April
Shemmer 1,2,
O. "Spectroscopic measurements of the airglow during the Leonid shower
at the Wise Observatory", The Leonid MAC Workshop, April 15, 2000,
Eds, Peter Jenniskens, Meteoritics & Planetary Science, p.E41, 2000.
Steffen, A. T., et al including, Mazeh1,2,
T."A Dynamical Mass and Distance for a PMS Star: The Binary NTT 045251+3016",
presented at the American Astronomical Society Meeting 196, #04.05,
Steffen, A. T., et al including, Mazeh1,2,
T. "A Dynamical Mass and Distance for a PMS Star: The Binary NTT 045251+3016",
Birth and Evolution of Binary Stars, Poster Proceedings of IAU Symposium
#200 on The Formation of Binary Stars, held 10-15 April, 2000, in
Potsdam, Germany. Edited by Bo Reipurth and Hans Zinnecker, p.19, 2000.
Strelnitski, V.,
T.,Peterson, C. "Maser Line Emission from Extrasolar Planets?", American Astronomical Society Meeting 197, #62.03. 2000.
"Leonid Storm Research".
eds. Peter Jenniskens, Frans Rietmeijer,Brosch1,2,N.,
and Mark Fonda. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2000.