1998 | 1999 |
Alexander 1,2, T., Sturm, E., Lutz, D., Sternberg1, A., Netzer1,2, H, and Genzel,R. "Infrared Spectroscopy of NGC 4151: Probing the Obscured Ionizing Active Galactic Nucleus Continuum", Ap. J. 512: 204-223, February 10th 1999.
Alexander 1,2 ,T. and Sternberg1,A.,"Near-Infrared Microlensing of Stars by the Supermassive Black Hole in the Galactic Center", Ap. J. 520: 137-148, July 1999.
, O.
"Deep H Images of the WR Galaxy He2-10", AJ. 117: 190, 1999.
Beck1,2, S., Turner, J., and Kovo1,2, O. "High Resolution Radio Maps of WR Galaxies: Optically thick HII Regions?", IAUS 193: 587, 1999.
Bennett, D. P., et al including Dann, J., Kaspi 1,2, S. Leibowitz1,2, E. Lipkin1,2, Y., Maoz1,2, D., Mendelson, H.,and Shemmer 1,2, O. "Gravitational Microlensing Evidence for a Planet Orbiting a Binary Star System", Nature, 402: 57, 1999.
Brosch1,2, N., Shara, M., MacKenty, J., Zurek, D. and McLean, B. "Far - Ultraviolet Imaging of the Field Star Population in the Large Magellanic Cloud with the Hubble Space Telescope", AJ, 117: 206-224, January 1999.
Brosch1,2, N. and Hoffman, Y. "The Shape of the LoTr 5 planetary nebula",MNRAS, 305: 241-245, May 1999.
Brosch1, 2, N. "Ultraviolet Sky Surveys", Experimental Astronomy,9:119, 1999.
Brosch1,2, N., Almoznino1,2, E., Wszolek, B., and Rudnicki, K. "The Nature of a Dusty Ring in Virgo", MNRAS, 308: 651-663, 1999.
Cappi, M., Persic, M., Mariani, S., Bassani, L., Danese, L., Dean, A., DiCocco, G., Franceschini, A., Hunt, L. K., Matteucci, F., Palazzi, E., Palumbo G.G.C., Rephaeli1, Y. "Diffuse Thermal Emission from Very Hot Gas in Starburst Galaxies", A&A,350:777-790, 1999.
Cappi, M., Persic, M., Mariani, S., Bassani, L., Danese, L., Dean, A., DiCocco, G., Franceschini, A., Hunt, L. K., Matteucci, F., Palazzi, E., Palumbo G.G.C., Rephaeli1, Y., Salucci, P. and Spizzichino, A. "Diffuse Emission from Very Hot Gas in Starburst Galaxies: Spatial Results", Advances in Space Research, 23: 905-909, 1999.
Choi, Y-J., Han, W., Park, J-H and Brosch1,2, N., "UV Stellar Distribution Model for the Derivation of Payload Design Constraints", Journal Astron, Space Sci. 16(2): 131, 1999.
Contini, M.1, and Formiggini 1,2, L. "Modeling RR Telescopii through the evolution of the spectra", Ap. J. 517: 925-934, 1999.
Contini, M.1and Viegas, S. M. "A multi-cloud warm absorber model for NGC 4051",, ApJ. 523:114, 1999.
Crowther, P. A., Beck1,2, S.C., Willis, A. J., Conti, P. S., Morris, P. W. and Sutherland, R. S. "Properties of Hot Stars in the WR Galaxy NGC 5253 from ISO SWS Spectroscopy", MNRAS, 304: 654, 1999.
Crowther, P. A., Beck1,2, S.C., Willis, A. J., Conti, P. S., Morris, P. W. and Sutherland, R. S. "The stellar content of the Wolf-Rayet galaxy NGC5253 from ISO-SWS spectroscopy", IAUS 193: 594, 1999.
Drukier1,2, G. A., Cohn, H. N., Lugger, P. M. and Yong, H. "Anisotropic Fokker - Planck Models for the Evolution of Globular Star Clusters: The Core - Halo Connection", Ap. J. 518: p.233, 1999.
Eichler, D. and Levinson1, A. "Shading and Smothering of Gamma-Ray Bursts" Ap. J. 521: L117-L120, 1999.
Fried, R. E., et al including Leibowitz1,2, E. "Superhumps in Cataclysmic Binaries. XVI. DI Ursae Majoris", PASP, 111: 1275, 1999.
Galama,T.J.et al including Ibbetson 1,2,P., Leibowitz1,2, E.,and Ofek 1,2, E. "The effect of magnetic fields on gamma-ray bursts inferred from multi-wavelength observations of the burs of 23 January 1999", Nature,398:394-399, 1999.
Giveon1,2, U., Maoz1,2, D., Kaspi 1,2, S., Netzer1,2, H. and Smith, P. S. "Long - term optical variability properties of the Palomar - Green quasars", MNRAS,306: 637-654, 1999.
Heller 1,2, A., Almoznino1,2, E. and Brosch1,2, N. "Late - type dwarf irregular galaxies in the Virgo cluster - 1.Ha and red continuum data", MNRAS, 304:8-26, March 1999.
Kaspi 1,2,S., Netzer1,2, H., "Modeling variable emission lines in AGNs: Method and application to NGC 5548". ApJ, 524, 71, October, 1999
Krymolowski1,2, Y., and Mazeh1,2, T. "Studies of Multiple Stellar Systems II. Second - Order Averaged Hamiltonian to Follow Long - Term Orbital Modulations of Hierarchical Triple Systems", MNRAS 304: 720-732, 1999.
Levinson1, A. "Transient Emission from Dissipative Fronts in Magnetized, Relativistic Outflows. II. Synchrotron Flares", Ap. J. 522: 93-100, September 1999.
Levinson1, A ."Effect of Orientation on the Variability Pattern of Gamma-ray Sources", Astrophysics and Space Science,268:433-441, 1999.
Mandzhavidze, N., Ramaty, R., and Kozlovsky 1, B. Z, "Determination of the Abundances of Subcoronal 4He and of Solar Flare-Accelerated 3He and 4He from Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy", Ap. J. 518: 918-925, 1999.
Mazeh1,2, T., Zucker1,2, S., et al "Analysis of the Hipparcos measurements of Upsilon and A mass Estimate for one of its Planetary Companions", Ap. J.L. 522: L149-L152, 1999.
Mazeh1,2, T. "The Mass Distribution of Extrasolar Planet Candidates and Low - Mass Secondaries", eds. D. Prialnik and O. Regev. Physics Reports, 311:317-324, 1999.
Meier, D.S., Turner, J. L. and Beck1,2. "High -resolution radio data of molecular gas in dwarf starburst galaxies", IAUS 193: 747, 1999.
Neistein1,2, E., Maoz1,2, D., Rix, H-W. and Tonry, J. L. "A Tully - Fisher Relation for S0 Galaxies", AJ, 117: 2666, 1999.
Peterson, B. M., et al including Kaspi 1,2, S. "Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei. XV. Long-term optical monitoring of NGC 5548", Ap. J. 510: 610-668, January 1999.
Rephaeli1, Y., Gruber, D. and Blanco, P. "RXTE Observations of the Coma Cluster", Ap. J. 511: L21, 1999.
Rephaeli1, Y., and Gruber, D. "RXTE Spectrum of the Coma Cluster", Ap. Lett. & Comm., 38: 165, 1999.
Retter1,2, A. "Dissertation Summary -- Mass Transfer Processes in Classical Nova Systems Around Their Outburst Events and Beyond", P.A.S.A.P., 111,174. 1999.
Retter1,2, A., Leibowitz1,2, E. M. and Naylor, T. "An irradiation effect in Nova DN Gem 1912 and the significance of the period gap for classical novae", MNRAS, 308:140-146, 1999.
Shemmer 1,2, O. and Kaspi 1,2, S. "The Discovery of a Nearby M Dwarf", The Observatory, Vol.119: No. 1169, 70-75, April 1999.
Skillman D., Patterson J., Kemp J., Harvey D.A., Fried R., Retter1,2, A., Lipkin1,2,Y., Vanmunster T.,"Superhumps in Cataclysmic Binaries. XVII. AM Canum Venaticorum", PASP, 111:1281, 1999.
Stassun, K. G., Mathieu, R. D., Mazeh1,2, T., and Virba, F. J. "The Rotation Period Distribution of Pre - main Sequence Stars in Orion Nebula", A.J. 117: 2941-2979, 1999.
Sternberg1, A., and Neufeld, D. "The Ratio of Ortho-to-Para-H_2 in photodissociation Regions", ApJ. 516: 371, 1999.
Sturm, E., Alexander 1,2, T., Lutz, D., Sternberg1, A., Netzer1,2, H. and Genzel, R. "Infrared Spectroscopy of NGC 4151: Infrared Space Observatory Observations and Narrow Emission Line Region Line Profiles", Ap. J. 512:197-203, February,1999.
Turner, J. L., Beck1,2, S.C. and Ho, P. T. P. "Gas and hidden star formation in NGC 5253", IAUS 193: 758, 1999.
Turner, T. J., George, I. M., Netzer1,2, H. "AKN 564: an unusual Component in the X-ray Spectra of NLS1 Galaxies", ApJ. 526: 52, 1999.
Vreeswijk, P. M., et al including Lipkin1,2, Y., , and Leibowitz1,2, E. M. , "The X-ray, Optical and Infrared Counterpart to GRB 980703", ApJ. 523: 171, 1999.
Warren - Smith, R. F. and Scarrott, S. M. "Polarimetry and magneticfield structure of the Herbig - Haro objects HH1 and HH2 and their environment", MNRAS, 305: 875-897, June 1999.
Goldberg1,2, D., Mazeh1,2, T., Latham, D. W., Stefanik, R. P., Carney, B. W. and Laird, J. B. "A Survey of Proper Motion Stars. XVI. Orbital Solution for 34 double-lined Spectroscopic Binaries", submitted to A. J., 1999.
Latham, D. W., Stefanik, R. P., Torres, G., Davis, R. J., Mazeh1,2, T.,Carney, B. W. and Laird, J. B "A survey of Proper Motion Stars. XIV. Orbital Solution for 160 Single-lined Spectroscopic Binaries", submitted to A.J,1999.
Levinson1, A. "Variability Models of Gamma-Ray Blazars", in BL Lac Phenomenon, PASP, in press 1999.
Retter1,2, A., Leibowitz1,2, E. M., and Naylor, T., "An Irradiation Effect in Nova DN Gem 1912 and the Significance of the Period Gap for Classical Novae", accepted for publication in MNRAS. in press 1999.
Viegas, S. M., Contini, M.1 and Contini, T.1,2 "Infrared line ratios revealing starburst conditions in galaxies", in press A&A, 1999.
Brosch1,2, N. "Highlights of Dwarf Galaxy Research", presented at the 45th Israeli Physical Society Annual Meeting, Tel Aviv University, 18th March 1999.
Brosch1,2, N. "Highlights of Dwarf Galaxy Research", presented at the 4th Israeli Cosmology Seminar, Jerusalem, 28th April 1999.
Brosch1,2, N., Almoznino1,2, E., Wszolek, B. and Rudnicki, K. "Errors in Cosmological Distances", presented at the meeting, "Intergalactic matter and large scale structures", The Technion, Haifa. June 1999
Cappi, M., Persic, M., Mariani, S., Bassani, L., Danese, L., Dean, A. J., DiCocco, G., Franceschini, A., Hunt, L. K., Matteucci, F., Palazzi, E., Palumbo, G. G. C., Rephaeli1, Y., Salucci, P. and Spizzichino, A. "Diffuse Emission from Very Hot Gas in Starburst Galaxies: Spectral Results", 1999; proceedings of the AGN3 meeting, Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 70: 77-80.
Cappi, M., Persic, M., Mariani, S., Bassani, L., Danese, L., Dean, A. J., DiCocco, G., Franceschini, A., Hunt, L. K., Matteucci, F., Palazzi, E., Palumbo, G. G. C., Rephaeli1, Y., Salucci, P. and Spizzichino, A. "Diffuse Emission from Very Hot Gas in Starburst Galaxies: Spatial Results". Proceedings of the 32nd COSPAR Meeting, "Advances in Space Research", 1999, in press.
Goldman1, I. "A Simple Approach to ISM Turbulence", presented New Perspectives on the Interstellar Medium, ASP Conference Series 168. Edited by A. R. Taylor, T. L. Landecker and G. Joncas. ASP 168: 357, 1999.
Gruber, D. E. and Rephaeli1,Y. "An X-Ray Flare in M82 Observed with RXTE", presented at the American Astronomical Society Meeting 194, #24.07. AAS 194: 240,1999.
Hamann, E., Netzer 1,2, H., and Shields, J. C. "The Nature of Associated Absorption and the UV-X-ray Connection in 3C 288.1", presented at the American Astronomical Meeting 195, #18.04, AAS 195: 1804, 1999.
Heller 1,2, A., Almoznino1,2, E. and Brosch1,2, N. "Testing environmental influences on star formation with a sample of LSB dwarf galaxies in the Virgo Cluster", IAU, 171. Low Surface Brightness Universe, ASP Conference Series 170: 282. eds. J. I. Davies, C. Impey and S. Phillipps. (1999) Astronomical Society of the Pacific (San Francisco).
Mazeh1,2, T. "The Mass Distribution of Extrasolar Planet Candidates and Low - Mass Secondaries", eds. D. Prialnik and O. Regev, Physics Reports, in press, 1999.
Mazeh1,2, T. "Distinction between Extra - Solar Planets and Low - Mass Secondaries", ASP Conference Series, IAU Colloquium 170, "Precise Stellar Radial Velocities". eds. J. B. Hearnshaw and C. D. Scarfe. in press, 1999.
Rephaeli1,Y. "The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect: an Improved Cosmological Probe", proceedings of the EC-TMR Conference `3K cosmology', L. Maiani, F. Melchiorri, and N. Vittorio, eds., AIP,476: 310, 1999.
"The Hubble Constant from the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect",1999; invited talk, proceedings of the 19th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology, J. Paul, T. Montmerle, and E. Aubourg, eds.
, A., Naylor, T., and
Leibowitz1,2, E., "Novae crossing the Thermal Stability Line", in "Disk Instabilities in Close Binary Systems", eds. Mineshige, S., Wheeler, C., Universal Academy Press, 91. 1999.
Share, G. H., Murphy, R. J., Ramaty, R., and
1, B. Z.
"Gamma-Ray Measurement of Accelerated Heavy-Ion Abundance and Transport at the Sun", presented at the American Astronomical Meeting 194, #22.01, AAS 194: 2201, 1999.
Stassun, K. G., Mathieu, R. D., Vrba, F. J., and
Mazeh1,2, T.
"A Mid-IR Search for Truncated Disks Among ONC and Tau-Aur Stars with Photometric Rotation Periods", presented at the American Astronomical Society Meeting 195, #02.05, AAS 195: 0205, 1999.
Steindling 1,2,S.
"Stroemgren photometry from z=0 to z=1", Israeli Cosmology Seminar Jerusalem, 28th April 1999.
Steindling 1,2, S. "Stroemgren photometry from z=0 to z=1", IGRAP 99,Marseilles, France, "Clustering at High Redshift", June 29th - July 3rd,1999.
Turner, J. L.,
Beck1,2, S.C.,
Gorjian, V., and Ho, P T. P. "Infrared and Radio Continuum Emission from a Young Supper Star Cluster in NGC 5253", presented at the American Astronomical Society Meeting 195, #08.09. AAS, 195: 0809, 1999.
and Turner, J. L. "Wolf-Rayet galaxies at many radio wavelengths and H
Charbonneau, D., Brown, T. M., Mayor, M. and
together with
Drukier1,2, G. A.
Zucker1,2, S.
et al, "HD 209458", IAUC 7315, November 22, 1999.
Crowther, P. A.,
S.C., Willis, A. J., Conti, P. S., Morris, P. W. and Sutherland, R. S. "The stellar content o;f the Wolf-Rayet galaxy NGC5253 from ISO-SWS spectroscopy", PASP, 193: 594, 1999.
Gal-Yam1,2,A. and Maoz1,2,D.
"Supernovae 1998fc and 1998fd in Anonymous Galaxies",
IAUC 7082, January 11,1999.
Gal-Yam1,2,A. and Maoz1,2,D.
"Supernovae 1998eu in Anonymous Galaxy",
IAUC 7082,January 11, 1999.
Gal-Yam1,2,A. and Maoz1,2,D.
"Supernova 1999C in Anonymous Galaxy",
IAUC 7088,January 18, 1999.
Gal-Yam1,2,A. and Maoz1,2,D.
"Supernova 1998fc in Anonymous Galaxy",
IAUC 7093, January 22, 1999.
Gal-Yam1,2, A. and Maoz1,2, D.
"Supernovae 1999av, 1999aw, 1999ax, 1999ay",IAUC 7130,
March 24th 1999.
Gal-Yam1,2, A. and Maoz1,2, D.
"Supernovae 1999cg, 1999ch, 1999ci",
IAUC 7181,May 26th 1999.
Gal-Yam1,2, A. and Maoz1,2, D.
"Supernovae 1999ch and 1999ci", IAUC 7199,June 13th 1999.
Gal-Yam1,2, A and Maoz1,2, D.
"Supernovae 1999ct, 1999cu, 1999cv",
IAUC 7210,June 29th 1999.
Gal-Yam1,2, A., and Maoz1,2, D. (with A. Daniel),
"Supernovae 1999db, 1999dd,1999de",
IAUC 7227, July 20th 1999.
Gal-Yam1,2, A. Maoz1,2, D.,Guhathakurta,P.,
"Supernova 1999cg in Anonymous Galaxy", IAUC 7198, June 12th 1999.
Gruber, D. and
Rephaeli1,Y. "An X-Ray Flare in M82 Observed with RXTE", BAAS, 31 #3, 1999.
Guhathakurta, P.,
Gal-Yam1,2, A.
"Supernova 1999cg in Anonymous Galaxy", IAUC 7198, June 12th 1999.
Latham, D. W. et al including
Drukier1,2, G. A.
Zucker1,2, S.
"HD 209458", IAUC 7315, November 1999.
Meier, D., Turner, J. and
. "High Resolution molecular gas in Dwarf Starbursts", PASP, 193: 747, 1999.
Ofek 1,2, E., Leibowitz1,2, E.M.
"GRB 990123", IAUC 7096, January 24, 1999.
Ofek 1,2, E. O.
"New Variables in the field of EUVE J2114+503"i, Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, Number 4695,14th April 1999.
Ofek 1,2, E.,
"Clustering Analysis for the 1998 Leonids
WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization"
vol. 27, no. 3-4, p. 172-176,1999.
Retter1,2, A..
"RW Ursae Minoris", IAUC 7263,
September 23rd 1999.
Shemmer 1,2, O., Leibowitz1,2, E.,
"Periodic Light Variation in B416 a Luminous Blue Star in M33",
IBVS #4595, 1998.
Stassun, K G., Mathieu, R. D., Mazeh1,2, T., and Virba, F. J. "Examining Disk-Regulated Rotation: The Rotation Period Distribution of Pre-Main Sequence Stars In and Around the Orion Nebula",
BAAS, 194: 68.06, 1999.
Turner, J.,Beck1,2,
and Ho, P. T. P. "Gas and hidden star formation in NGC 5253",PASP, 193: 190, 1999.
radio super-star-clusters", PASP, 193: 587, 1999.
Almoznino1,2, E. and Brosch1,2, N. "Late-Type Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster: I. The Samples", MNRAS, 298: #3, 920-930, Aug. 1998.
Almoznino1,2, E. and Brosch1,2, N. "Late-Type Dwarf Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster: II. Star Formation Properties", MNRAS 298: #3, 931, Aug. 1998.
Beck1,2, S.C., Lacy, J.H. and Kelly, D.M. "Infrared Ionic Line Emission in W33" , AJ.155: 2504 - 2408, 1998.
Beck1,2, S.C., Turner, J.T., and Ho, P.T.P. "The Radio Properties of NGC 5253 and its unusual HII Regions" AJ. 116: 1212, 1998
Brosch1,2, N., Ofek 1,2, E. O., Almoznino1,2, E., Sasseen, T., Lampton, M. and Bowyer, S. "FAUST observations of ultraviolet sources in the direction of Coma", MNRAS, 295: 959-969, April 1998
Brosch1,2, N., Almoznino1,2, E. and Lyle Hoffman, G. "VCC 144: a star-bursting dwarf galaxy in the Virgo cluster". Astron. Astrophys. 331: 873-883, 1998.
Brosch1,2, N., Heller 1,2, A. and Almoznino1,2, E. "Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies", Ap. J. 504: 720, 1998.
Brosch 1,2, N., Heller 1,2, A. and Almoznino1,2, E. "Morphology of Star Formation Regions in Irregular Galaxies", MNRAS, 300: 1091-1097,1998.
Brosch1,2, N. "TAUVEX - the UV imager on board SRG", proceedings of Copenhagen Meeting held at DSRI in Septerm 1997, "Exploiting Spectrum XG and INTEGRAL". N.J. Westergaard, O. Vilhu and R. Svensson, eds. Physica Scripta, Vol T77: 16-20, 1998.
Collier, S. J., et al, including Kaspi 1,2, S., Maoz1,2, D., Netzer1,2, H., "Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei. XIV. An optical study of NGC 7469", Ap. J. 500: 162, 1998.
Contini, M.1 Prieto, M. A., and Viegas, S. M. Modeling the Continuum and Line Spectra of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 5252, The Ap. J. 492: 511-520, January 1998.
Contini, M.1., Prieto, M. A., and Viegas, S. M. Gas and Dust Emission from the Nuclear Region of the Circinus Galaxy, The Ap. J. 505: 621 - 633, October 1998.
Contini, T.1,2, Considere S., Davoust E. "Starbursts in Barred Spiral Galaxies. III. Definition of a Homogeneous Sample of Starburst Nucleus Galaxies", Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, 1998.
Coziol, R., Torres, C.A.O., Quast, G.R., Contini, T..1,2, and Davoust, E. "The Pico Dos Dias Survey Stardust Galaxies", Ap. J. 500: 162, 1998.
Dietrich, M. et al including Kaspi 1,2, S. "Steps Toward Determination of the Size and Structure of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei: XII.Ground-Based Monitoring of 3C 390.3", ApJS, 115, pp. 185-202, April, 1998.
Genzel, R., et al including Sternberg 1, A. "What Powers Ultraluminous IRAS Galaxies?", Ap. J. 498: 579-605, May 1998.
George, I. M., Turner, T. J., Netzer1,2, H., Nandra, N., Mushotzky, R. F. and Yaqoob, T. "ASCA Observations of Seyfert 1 Galaxies. III. The Evidence for Absorption and Emission due to Photonized Gas", The Ap..J. Supp. Series, 114: 73-120, January 1998.
George, I.M, Turner, T.J., Mushotzky, R., Nandra, K. and Netzer1,2, H. "ASCA Observations of the Ionised Gas in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3783", Ap. J. 503: 174-195, August 1998.
George,I.M., Mushotzky, R., Turner, T.J., Yaqoob, T., Ptak, A., Nandra, K. and Netzer1,2, H. "The X-ray Spectral Variability of The Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3227" Ap.J. 509: 146-162, December 1998.
Gondhaleker, P. M., Brosch1,2, N., et al, "CO in Blue Compact and Star Burst Galaxies",Astronomy and Astrophysics, 335: 152-160, March 1998.
Harvey, D. A., Skillman, D. R., Kemp, J., Patterson, J., Vanmunster, T., Fried, R., Retter1,2, A., "The Orbital Period of AM Canum Venaticorum", Ap. J. 493: L105, 1998.
Kleinman, S. J. et al including Leibowitz1,2, E. M. "Understanding the Cool DA White Dwarf Pulsator, G29-38", Ap. J. 495: 424-434, March 1998.
Kovetz1,A. "The Simulation of Nova Evolution with Optically Thick Winds", Ap. J. 495: 401-406, March 1998 Lahav, O., Brosch1,2, N., Goldberg, E., Hau, G.K.T., Kraan-Korteweg, R.C.. and Loan, A.J. "Galaxy candidates in the Zone of Avoidance", MNRAS, 299: 24-30, September 1998.
Leibowitz1,2, E.M., Hemar, S. and Orio, M. "Regularities in the long-term optical light curve of the black hole candidate binary AO620-00 (V616 Mon)", MNRAS, 300: 463-468, October 1998.
Levinson1, A. "Transient Emission from Dissipative Fronts in Magnetized, Relativistic Outflows. I. Gamma-Ray Flares", Ap. J. 507: 145-154, November, 1998.
Lingenfelter, R. E., Ramaty, R. and Kozlovsky 1, B. Z. "Supernova Grains: The Source of Cosmic-Ray Metals" The Ap. J. 500: L153-L156, June 1998.
Maoz1,2, D., Koratkar, A., Shields, J. C., Ho, L. C., Fillippenko, A. V., and Sternberg1, A. "The Ultraviolet Spectra of LINERS: A Comparative Study", A.J., 116: 55-67, 1998:
Mazeh1,2, T., Goldberg1, 2,D., Latham, D. W. "The Mass Distribution of Extrasolar Planet Candidates and Spectroscopic-Binary Low-Mass Companions", Ap.J. 501, L199-203, July 10 issue.
Netzer1,2, H., Turner, T. J., George, I. M. "The soft x-ray spectrum of scattering dominated AGN", Ap. J. 504 : 680 - 692, September 1998.
O'Brien, M. S. et al including Leibowitz1,2, E. M., Hemar, S. and Ibbetson1,2, P. "Asteroseismology of a Star Cooled by Neutrino Emission: The Pulsating Pre-White Dwarf PG 0122+200", Ap. J. 495: 458-467, March 1998.
O'Brien, P.T., including Netzer1,2, H., Kaspi 1,2, S. "Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei. XIII. Ultraviolet observations of the broad-line Radio Galaxy 3C390.3" Ap.J, 509, pp. 163-176, December 10, 1998
Peterson, B.M., Wanders, I., Horne, K., Collier, S., Alexander 1,2, T., Kaspi 1,2, S., Maoz1,2, D. "On uncertainties in cross-correlation lags and the reality of wavelenth-dependant continuum lags in active galactic nuclei", PASP, 110: 660 - 670, June 1998.
Retter1,2, A., Leibowitz1,2, E. M. and Kovo-Kariti1,2, O. "Nova V1425 Aquilae 1995 - The Early Appearance of Accretion Processes in an Intermediate Polar Candidate", MNRAS 293, no. 2. pp. 145-150, 11 January 1998.
Retter1,2, A., Leibowitz1,2, E. M.,Predicting the Future of Superhumps in Classical Nova Systems", MNRAS 296, #4, pp L37-L41, June 1998.
Skillman, D. R., et al including Retter1,2, A., "Superhumps and Accretion Disk Precession in TT Arietis", The Ap. J.,503: L67-L70, August 1998.
Solheim, J,-E., et al including Leibowitz1,2, E. and Mazeh1,2, T. "Whole Earth Telescope Observations of AM CVn - discoseismology at last". A&A, 332: 939, 1998.
Sternberg1, A. "The Initial Mass Function of the Super Star Clusters 1569A and 1708-1", Ap.J. 1998.
Tatischeff, V., Ramaty, R., and Kozlovsky 1, B. Z, "X-Rays from Accelerated Ion Interactions" The Ap. J. 504: 874 - 888, September 1998.
Turner, J.T.,Beck1,2, S.C. and Ho, P.T.P. "The Radio Properties of NGC 5253 and its Unusual HII Regions" AJ, 116, 1212-1220 (1998).
Arenas, J., Catalan, M. S., Retter1,2, A., Augusteijn, T., 1998, "A spectroscopic study of V603 Aquilae: Stellar Parameters and Continuum-Line Variations", in `Disk Instabilities in Close Binary Systems', eds. Mineshige, S., Wheeker, C., Universal Academy press, in press.
Beck1,2,S.C., Turner, J. and Kovo 1,2, O. "Wolf Rayet Galaxies in Many Radio Wavlengths and Halpha" IAU Symposium 193: "WR Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst Galaxies" van der Hucht, K, Koenigsberger, G., and Eenens, P. ed. PASP Conference Series 1999
Brosch1,2, N., and Almoznino1,2, E. "TAUVEX - A Wide Field UV Imager", presented at IUE Conference, Sevilla, Spain, 11-14 November 1997, ESA SP-113, February 1998 - Proceedings of the Conference "Ultraviolet Astrophysics Beyond the IUE Final Archive", pp. 789-796.
Brosch1,2, N., and Almoznino1,2, E. "Dwarf Irregular Galaxies and the Intergalactic Medium", presented at the XVI Cracow Summer School of Cosmoloy Meeting, September 14-20, 1998 at Lodz, Poland.
Brosch1,2, N., and Heller 1,2, A., and Almoznino1,2, E. "Morphological aspects of star formations in dwarf galaxies", presented at Cardiff Meeting, IAU Colloquium 171, The Low Surface Brightness Universe, 5-10th July, 1998.
Coziol, R., Contini, T.1,2, Davoust E., Considere S., "The Massive Nearby SBNGs: Young Galaxies in Formation" in "Abundance Profiles: Diagnostic Tools for Galaxy History", A.S.P. Conf. Ser., Symp. Ser., D. Friedli et al. (eds.), vol. 147 , p. 219.
Edelson, R., Alexander 1,2 T., Crenshaw D.M., Kaspi 1,2 S., Peterson B., & Warwick R. "Rapid continuum variability in NGC 4151, Advances in Space Research, v. 21, issue 1, pp. 77-81, 1998.
Goldman1, I.,Canuto, V. M., Mazzitelli, I. "Selfconsistent Model for Turbulent Stellar Convection: Helioseismology, Ages of Globular Clusters and White Dwarfs Blue Edge". Proceedings of Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics, Hong Kong 1997. ASP Conference Series 138: 123-126, 1998. eds., K. L. Chan, K. S. Cheng and H. P. Singh.
Goldman1, I.,"Generation and Implications of Post-Merger Turbulence in Clusters of Galaxies", Proceedings of Symposium 188, -The Hot Universe-, Kyoto, Japan,1997, in press.
Goldman1, I. "A Simple Approach to ISM Turbulence", to be published in the Proceedings of -New Perspectives on the Interstellar Medium-, 22-28 August, 1998. eds. A. R. Taylor and T. L. Landecker.
Heller 1,2, A., Almoznino1,2, E. and Brosch1,2, N. "Testing environmental influences on star formation with a sample of LSB dwarf galaxies in the Virgo Cluster", IAU, 171, in press 1998, published in 1999.
Kaspi 1,2, S. and Netzer1,2, H. "BLR Modeling: A New Approach". The proceedings of the workshop `Quasars and cosmology', held in La Serena, Chile. 18-22 May 1998. In press, 1999
Meier, D.,Turner,J. and Beck1,2, S.C. "High Resolution molecular gas in Dwarf Starbursts". IAU Symposium 193: "WR Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst Galaxies" van der Hucht, K., Koenigsberger, G., and Eenens, P. ed. PASP Conference Series 1999.
Patterson, with 14 other authors, Retter1,2, A. included, 1998, "Superhumps and Outbursts in AM Cvn Stars", in 13th North-American Woarkshop on Cvs, eds. Howell, S., Kuulkers, E. and Woodward, C. in press.
Retter1,2, A., Leibowitz1,2, E. M., Kovo-Kariti1,2, O.,1998, "Photometric Evidence for the Intermediate Polar Nature and for Accretion Activity in Nova V1425 Aquilae 1995", in 13th North-American Workshop on Cvs, eds. Howell, S., Kuulkers, E. and Woodward, C. in press.
Turner, Beck1,2, S.C. and P.T.P.Ho "Gas and Star Formation in NGC 5253" IAU Symposium 193: "WR Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst Galaxies" van der Hucht, K., Koenigsberger, G., and Eenens, P. ed PASP Conference Series 1999
Goldman1, I. "A Simple Approach to ISM Turbulence" 1998, to appear in -New Perspectives on the Interstellar Medium-, eds. A. R. Taylor, T. L. Landecker. PAPS Conf. Series.
Maoz1,2, D., Koratkar, A., Shields, J. C., Ho, L. C., Fillippenko, A. V., and Sternberg1, A. "The Ultraviolet Spectra of LINERs: A Comparative Study", accepted for publication by A. J, in press, 1998.(STScI preprint # 1239)
Gal-Yam1,2, A. and Maoz1,2, D. "Supernova 1998cg in Anonymous Galaxy", IAUC 6917, May 1998.
Gal-Yam1,2, A. and Maoz1,2, D . "Supernovae 1998eu and 1998ev in Anonymous Galaxies", IAUC 7055,November 1998.
Kato, T., Lipkin1,2, Y., Retter1,2, A., Leibowitz1,2, E. M., 1998, "Observations of Superhumps in SS UMi", IBVS No. 4602.
Leibowitz1,2, E.M., Shemmer1,2, O. "Periodic light variations in B416 a luminous star in M33", accepted for publication in IBVS No. 4595, May 1998.
Lipkin1,2, Y., Retter1,2, A., Leibowitz1,2, E.M. "Nova Sagittarii 1998.",IAUC 6963,July 1998.
Ofek 1,2, E. O. MPEC 1998-X20,, December 5,1998.
Brosch1,2, N. "Dwarf Galaxies", "Reports on Astronomy", 1997 Transactions of the IAU. Volume XXIIIA. I. Appenzeller, ed., pp. 455 - 457. Kluwer Academic Press.
Meidav,M., Brosch1,2, N. and Netzer1,2,H. "The Universe - an introduction to astrophysics", Ramot Publishing Co., in Hebrew. (1988, first edition) 1998, fourth revised edition, in preparation by the Open University.