Astronomy and Judaism

History of Jewish Astronomy |
"It Started with Abraham"
,published in Tel-Aviv University News, Winter 1996-7
Jewish Astronomy, from ancient to modern times -
"Astronomy in Israel: from Og's
Circle to the Wise Observatory",
by Prof. Yuval Ne'eman
published in Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
(Proc. IAU 72nd Colloquium, Haifa, 1982), Mario Livio and Giora
Shaviv, eds., #101 Proceedings
(D. Reidel, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1983), p. 323-330.
- Jewish Astronomy in Spain -
"Astronomy in Sefarad" , by Prof. Yuval Ne'eman
appeared in The Nearest Active Galaxies, J. Beckman, L. Colina
and H. Netzer eds., series "Nueva Tendencias",
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, 1993),
p. 279-286. Reissued as brochure at the inauguration of
The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Institute of Astronomy, 1 December 1994.
Mathematics in Jewish Sources,
including works of
Abraham Bar Hiya Hanasi, and Abraham Ibn Ezra
"The Third Star", by David H. Levy
published in Sky&Telescope, Sep. 1996
Steven Weintraub's Jewish Calendar Information
Prof. Yuval Ne'eman
, ***
,1925-2006, born in Tel-Aviv (Israel).
He graduated with an engineering degree from the Technion, Haifa (Israel). In his doctoral thesis at Imperial College of Science and
Technoloy, London (1960-61) he discovered the basic symmetry of the
sub-atomic particles of matter, this leading on to their classification, to the prediction of new particles and to his identification in 1962
of a new layer in the structure of matter - the 'quarks', as named
by M. Gell-Mann and G. Zweig, who further developed the idea.
He has since made other important contributes to particle physics,
astrophysics, cosmology, and philosophy of science.
Ne'eman was the founder and Head of the
School of Physics and Astronomy at Tel-Aviv University, Israel
President of the
Tel-Aviv University
(1971-75), and served as Director of the Mortimer and Raymond Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies
He was also the Director of the Center for Particle Theory at
the University of Texas, Austin (1968-90). He founded the
Israel Space Agency (1983) and has chaired it since. He has also served on Israel's Atomic Energy Commission (1965-84) and chaired it (1982-84) and held the position of Scientific Director in the IAEC Soreq Establishment (1961-63).
Ne'eman was Israel's Chief Defense Scientist in 1974-76.
He has been a member of Israel's Parliament and served as Israel's Minister of Science and Development (1982-84) and then again in 1990-92,
when he also served as Minister of Energy.
Sky&Telescope columnist
David H. Levy
is the discoverer or codiscoverer of 21 comets, including
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which crashed into Jupiter in the
summer of 1994.

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